+64 09 972 9163 info@opsyssolutions.com





We make buildings better places to live and work.

What we do


We design and deliver high-end touch screens and industrial computers for commercial, medical and residential properties.


We design and build custom data visualisation solutions that give you critical insights into making real-time decisions for your facilities.

What we do


We design and deliver high-end touch screens and industrial computers for commercial, medical and residential properties.


We design and build custom data visualisation solutions that give you critical insights into making real-time decisions for your facilities.

After-hours Automation

7NOX is our after-hours HVAC scheduling app. It gives your tenants the freedom to book overtime HVAC requests right from their smartphones and web browsers.

what we make

After-hours Automation

7NOX is our after-hours HVAC scheduling app. It gives your tenants the freedom to book over-time air conditioning requests right from their smartphones and web browsers.

Control at Your fingertips

Quality and affordability in one package. We design our touch screens to be high-quality, budget-friend and easy-to-use. Perfect for both commercial and consumer projects.

Control at Your fingertips

Quality and affordability in one package. We design our touch screens to be high quality, budget-friend and easy-to-use. Perfect for both commercial and consumer projects.

The right Data for decision Making

We build custom data visualisation solutions that let businesses and organisations key insights into how their facilities are working.

The right Data for decision Making

We build custom data visualisation solutions that let businesses and organisations key insights into how their facilities are working.

Get in touch

woman making gesture to call her

Want to talk now? We’d love to chat! +64 09 972 9163.

Or drop by for some tea or coffee. 17 Nixon Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021

Get in touch

woman making gesture to call her

Want to talk now? We’d love to chat! +64 09 972 9163.

Or drop by for some tea or coffee. 17 Nixon Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021